Monday, 18 July 2011

FarmVille Parmisian Decorations: Mime Gnome, Parisian Lamp & Parisian Flowerbed

Mime Gnome Paris Lamp Post France Flowerbed

Several brand new Limited Edition Parisian decorations have been added to the FarmVille Market tonight, including a new Gnome for your collection. This set of Parisian decorations features a Mime Gnome, a Parisian Lamp, and a Parisian Flowerbed.
You can purchase these decorations for a limited amount of time before they are set to expire from the market.

FarmVille Limited Edition Parisian Decorations (Released: July 17, 2011)
268147 1977119060611 1022136767 1745905 987772 n FarmVille Parmisian Decorations: Mime Gnome, Parisian Lamp & Parisian Flowerbed268147 1977119100612 1022136767 1745906 1565040 n FarmVille Parmisian Decorations: Mime Gnome, Parisian Lamp & Parisian Flowerbed
268147 1977119140613 1022136767 1745907 7170342 n FarmVille Parmisian Decorations: Mime Gnome, Parisian Lamp & Parisian Flowerbed
FarmVille Mime Gnome – 15 Farm Cash
FarmVille Parisian Lamp – 2 Farm Cash
FarmVille Parisian Flowerbed – 10,000 Farm Coins

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