Sunday, 24 July 2011

Unreleased Yellow Racer and Pink Fuzzy Dice


FarmVille Unreleased Yellow Racer and Pink Fuzzy Dice Note : Unreleased items have no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to the FarmVille.
c38928055fddef53032e92de43d33342 Unreleased Yellow Racer and Pink Fuzzy Dicee56e952d6209b5b911efc6b03365ac29 Unreleased Yellow Racer and Pink Fuzzy Dice

FarmVille Unreleased July 25 Mystery Game Prizes


FarmVille Unreleased July 25 Mystery Game Prizes Note : Unreleased items have no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to the FarmVille.
French Unicorn
Alpine Ibex
Raccoon Dog
European Boar
Gallic Rooster
French Bulldog

cbe0bd8e170920931a9f7417b9ffc23f FarmVille Unreleased July 25 Mystery Game Prizes aa008d99617fbc8cb6da15f59752872e FarmVille Unreleased July 25 Mystery Game Prizes b13be129681747351690b6da18f82c9d FarmVille Unreleased July 25 Mystery Game Prizes a266d70be25e30d9b476cf381670f275 FarmVille Unreleased July 25 Mystery Game Prizes 2350f6c0b024bfbaa87b824b816d5c73 FarmVille Unreleased July 25 Mystery Game Prizes bc5fe009f6972db5814940428b5b57b5 FarmVille Unreleased July 25 Mystery Game Prizes

Unreleased Tasting Room &Wine Cellar & Vineyard Fountain and more


FarmVille Unreleased Tasting Room &Wine Cellar & Vineyard Fountain & Vineyard Fence & French Wood Bench Note : Unreleased items have no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to the FarmVille.
4358ea73bc576a8c75490c6375bfd822 Unreleased Tasting Room &Wine Cellar & Vineyard Fountain and morec1a36736d73decc1b109857a94608729 Unreleased Tasting Room &Wine Cellar & Vineyard Fountain and more5208dc448af3823f5202314e45fcc2f5 Unreleased Tasting Room &Wine Cellar & Vineyard Fountain and more18987abf8b15be51b23579794cb1b69a Unreleased Tasting Room &Wine Cellar & Vineyard Fountain and more1e19927758823eb421210d01175f50f4 Unreleased Tasting Room &Wine Cellar & Vineyard Fountain and more

FarmVille Marans Egg & Confirmed Prizes!


Here is a full list of all the prizes that can come from this egg. Clover Chicken, Scots Grey Chicken, Cornish Chicken,Old English Hen
Dorking Chicken,Silkie Chicken, 20 Fuel Refills, Town Fountain, English Bench,Butler Gnome
Marans Mystery Egg Mystery Marans EggMarans Cracked Egg
Mystery Marans Egg Received Notice
Clover ChickenScots Grey Chicken Cornish ChickenOld English HenDorking Chicken
Silkie Chicken20 Fuel Refills Town FountainEnglish BenchButler Gnome

Thursday, 21 July 2011

FarmVille Unreleased Super Crops Loading Screen view!


FarmVille Unreleased Super Crops Loading Screen view!
FSagG FarmVille Unreleased Super Crops Loading Screen view!
Note : Unreleased items have no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to the FarmVille
Super Watermelon CropSuper Watermelon Mastery SignSuper Yellow Watermelon CropSuper Yellow Watermelon Mastery SignSuper Strawberry CropSuper Strawberry Mastery SignSuper Pumpkin Crop Super Pumpkin Mastery SignGrapes CropGrapes Mastery SignCranberry CropCranberry Mastery Sign Cotton CropCotton Mastery Sign Bell Pepper Crop Bell Pepper Mastery Sign

Unreleased : White Mustang & White Mustang Foal


If You Like It Then Share It
Note : Unreleased items have no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to the FarmVille
White MustangWhite Mustang Foal

FarmVille Faverolles Chicken

A placeholder for the new Faverolles Chicken has made its way into the our FarmVille Chicken Coops.
Faverolles ChickenFaverolles Mystery Egg Mystery Faverolles EggFaverolles Cracked Egg
And we all know that a new Chicken means, new Mystery Eggs! The Faverolles Chicken is a Level 22 Chicken that will lay Faverolles Eggs.
Level 22 Faverolles Chicken